Friday, June 27, 2008

Charlie the Horse

Have you met Charlie? Isn't he just the cutest little horse!? He's from Clear Dollar Stamps. There are two "Charlie" sets there, and I think each of them only cost me $3.99, which is a total steal! I combined both sets for the front of this card, and used the matching wheel (it comes as a long flat stamp, but can be placed on one of their clear wheels if you wish - I just use a long acrylic block for it instead) on the inside. You can see a little bit of it there at the bottom.

I raised his nose and tail up on Stampin' Dimensionals, and stamped the sentiment with SU markers so I could get it vertical instead of horizontal like it is originally. I also did a little wavy cutting and notching (by hand) on the Ruby Red layer under Charlie. I started doing that to cards years ago and I really think it adds a nice touch to the whole barnyard feel of this card.


Stamps: Charlie Horse, Charlie Fenced In, and Hoofin' It (all Clear Dollar Stamps)
Ink: Close to Cocoa
Paper: Close to Cocoa, Very Vanilla, Ruby Red
Other: Copic markers (on Charlie), Ruby Red SU marker (on bird), Close to Cocoa SU Marker (on sentiment), Stampin' Dimensionals

Now here's a fun little blogger trick I learned yesterday. Did you know that if you go to and type "Link:" and then the name of your blog (ex: and then hit search, it will show you all of the blogs that have linked to yours within the text of their daily posts (doesn't include blogrolls). I did it, and learned (a month later!) that I was one of the "Friday Favorites" in Jennifer's top ten list over at Glitter in my Hair at the end of May for my Sugar & Snips card! Who knew?! Not me!

Enjoy the day!
P.S. How do you like the new signature I made? :)

post signature


Mary Dawn said...

i love this, the red layer really is just the right touch

Kara said...

Great card, I really like the free hand cutting and "notching" idea. I will be casing that in the near future!

Valorie said...

I LOVE this card. I love the sentiment. Too cute!

Lorraine said...

Thank you so much for leaving such a lovely comment on my Viola card in my gallery. That really made my day, and is probably the nicest comment anyone has ever left for me.
I love your card. What an adorable image. love the barb wired fencing. so cute!
thanks again!

Jennifer_GlitterInMyHair said...

Cool trick! I gotta try that.

I saw your comment, that was a super fun card. Thanks for sharing it! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

This is totally adorable!!! ;)

Melzie said...

Very cute!!! I love the barbed wire-- is the that wheel?

And your siggy is as well!! :)

Holly Young said...

Well I hate charley horses, but I love this littel guy! He's adorable! You did a great job. I just love everything about it; the popped up parts, the little bird on the fence, and the way you made the sentiment vertical. It's just darling.


Judy Rozema said...

Oh my gosh - this is the CUTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to get him!! Awesome new siggy - how did you do that? And I am off to check out the blog thingie!!

Felicia said...

Wow! Great blog you have! I love the horse. I've not seen Clear Dollar Stamps but I've bookmarked it to check it out. Love your signature.

Kristine said...

LOVE THIS SUPER CUTE HORSE!! :D I also LOVE your new siggy ;)

Michele Cronsell said...

He is cute! And your signature is nice, as well!

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