Friday, April 17, 2009

Wednesday Weigh-In #12

Ok, so this is late. Like, really late. Sorry!

Unfortunately, it's 1am, and I need to get to bed, but I wanted to get this posted quick.

I stayed the same this week. Well, actually, that's not true. I gained 3 lbs over the weekend, and then busted my you-know-what to get them off again by Weds morning... So, I guess you could say I lost 3 lbs, but sadly they don't count towards my total.

How did the Easter holiday treat you?! I hope you enjoy the celebration of the day, even if it did bring a few extra calories with it!

Only a few more weeks to go!


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Maria said...

You're doing fabulous Sarah!! Wow, you are almost reaching your goal. I wish I could lose even 5 lbs! Whaaa! Keep up the great job!

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!


Mariska said...

You are doing so well sweetie!! So proud of you. I had a wonderful easter holiday but my scales and I aren't very good friends so I don't even want to know what I have gained :S but I'm sure it wasn't gone by wednesday... Keep up the good work sweetie!!


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