Saturday, August 2, 2008

Blog Candy Winner

NOTE: I posted this yeseterday, but then had a TON of problems with my blog last night (including the fact that I couldn't view it) and we (IT-saavy dh and I) thought it might have something to do with the code I posted from, so I had a friend log in for me and delete the post. Turns out that wasn't the problem at all. The problem was my sitemeter. Go figure. Anyhow, I'm reposting now for the sake of information:

Ok, so today is the day for the REAL blog candy give away. Are you feeling lucky? I had a couple of people post multiple times (coming back to give links, etc.), so I'm going to list the entrants with their numbers here (assigning a # to their first post), and then go to to have one number randomly selected from the group (yes, I'm doing this "in real time"!).

Here are the ENTRANTS:

1. Lorie
2. Holly
3. Bela
4. Ila
5. Kimmie
6. Scrappie
7. Lisa
8. Winxy
9. Scrappy Doo (lol - that cracks me up)
10. Loreen
11. Giovana

Ok, drum roll..................And the winner is...Congratulations, Ila! Email me at sairabee at yahoo dot com, and we'll get to work on the details of the banner and buttons!

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Scrappy Doo 2 u said...

Hey that's so awesome. Love to see the finished product !!! Congrats Ila.

Ila said...

Yay!! I won!! Thank you so much Sarah!!The banner is Totally Fabulous!!...Hugs, Ila

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