Thursday, October 16, 2008

October Desktop

I thought I'd share my October desktop image today. You can download a new desktop template from The Shabby Princess every month, and then just use Photoshop (or some other photo editing software) to add your pictures, save it, and voila. All kinds of cuteness for a whole month. Or, if you're like me and forget to do it until the 15th, then you only get it for a half of a month.... but I did get to enjoy September's for a month and a half. Ok, I'll stop now. :)

This image is full sized - I didn't shrink it for the web. So, if any family or friends are reading this and would like it for their own desktop, feel free to use it. All you have to do is click on the image to enlarge it, then right click and select the "Save as Desktop Image" option.

In other news, I have an appointment with the podiatrist today. Almost one year ago to the day, I was diagnosed with bursitis in one foot and tendonitis in the other. My right (tendonitis) foot has been swollen ever since. The podiatrist I saw last year said the swelling was due to my pregnancy, and that it would go away after I gave birth. Well, Jack is going on seven months old now and nothing has changed. I've been to physical therapy, but that doesn't help either. So, I'm going back. New podiatrist, new hospital, hopefully a new solution... and this time maybe it will be one that works. Because this whole bit about both feet killing you for a year straight is for the birds... especially when you're trying to keep up with a baby and a toddler. They did give me two shots of cortizone last time (one in each foot), but that only lasted so long. And really, I feel like it was just to mask the pain, not solve the problem. Think happy thoughts for a smart doctor for me, ok? :) Thanks!

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Valorie said...

Hi Sarah! I hope your appointment goes well and that this new doctor will be smart. Well, they ALL think they are smart but lets hope this one really helps you! ;o)

Henry is handsome as ever. Carole is going to have a hard time picking between him and Tyler. :o)

Lorie said...

As always...cute pictures of Henry! I'll pray that the doctor takes your concerns seriously and will find the cause of the problem and a solution for you today!

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